În 22 și 23 octombrie 2021, la Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania din Brașov, a avut loc a V-a ediție a Bienalei europene de poezie – Screen Time, organizată de Facultatea de Litere a Universității Transilvania din Brașov. Bienala europeană de poezie este unul din evenimentele cele mai importante dedicate poeziei. A fost lansată de Andrei Bodiu în 2013, iar în prezent, ediția a V-a, îi are ca organizatori pe Adrian Lăcătuș și Robert Gabriel Elekes.

În materialul video găsiți o discuție cu Adrian Lăcătuș despre Bienală și un montaj cu cei 14 poeți participanți.

Ediția de anul acesta a explorat relația pe care o stabilește arta și poezia cu existența mediată și modul în care alege să o reprezinte. Pentru a parafraza unul dintre faimoasele aforisme ale lui Socrate: viața mediată merită trăită? Poate oferi poezia un discurs adecvat de înțelegere a acesteia? În prezent, înregistrăm, filtrăm și mediem aproape tot ce ni se întâmplă și pandemia nu a făcut decât să amplifice și să augmenteze aceasta practică devenită deja rutină a vieții sociale. Cum exprimă poezia aceste practici ale medierii? Le vede ca pe o formă de alienare sau ca o nouă formă de interacțiune? Nu a fost mereu poezia o formă de existență mediată? Acestea sunt temele și întrebările care vor fi explorate în cadrul celei de a cincea ediții a Bienalei Europene de Poezie.

La ediția de anul acesta, au participat 7 poeți străini: Crispin Best (UK), Iris Colomb (UK), Nadia De Vries (NL), Sergej Timofejev (LV), Kinga Tóth (HU), Yulya Tsimafeyeva (BY), Alhierd Bacharevič (BY) și 7 poeți români: Ruxandra Novac, Svetlana Cârstean, Dósa Andrei, Ioana Zenaida Rotariu, Bogdan Ghiu, Cosmina Moroșan, Deniz Otay.

Bienala s-a încheiat cu un performance poetic și muzical realizat de Dumitru Fanfarov și Von Aim (MD).

Poeți participanți:

Alhierd Bacharevic is a Belarusian poet and novelist. He was born in 1975 in Minsk. Bacharevic’s books were translated into English, Scots, Russian, German, French, Polish. His 900-page novel Dogs of Europe (2017) was translated into Russian by the author himself and was shortlisted for the Russian Big Book Prize. The Belarus Free Theater staged a play based on the novel. The new edition of the novel, printed in Lithuania, was seized in 2021 by Belarusian authorities on suspicion of extremism. The essay ‘The last word of childhood. Fascism as memory'(2020), about the repressions and resistance in Belarus, was translated into English, German, Swedish, Polish and Ukrainian. Since the end of 2020, he has been living in Graz (Austria) with his wife, Belarusian poetess Yulya Tsimafeyeva.

Iris Colomb is a poet, artist, performer, curator and translator based in London. Her practice merges poetry and other art forms to explore various relationships between visual and spoken forms of text through projects involving performance, book objects and experimental translation. She has given performances online as well as in the UK, Germany, Austria, Romania and France. Iris’ artist books have been collected and exhibited by the National Poetry Library as well as Chelsea College of Art’s special collection. She is the author of three pamphlets: I’m Shocked (2018), just promise you won’t write (2019), and Flakes of Fickle Quicklime (2020). Her poems have been published in magazines, as well as a number of UK anthologies. Iris is the founder of the investigative poetry and performance platform SLANT, the Co-Editor of HVTN Press, half of the performance duo ‘Soft Play’, and a member of the interdisciplinary collective ‘No Such Thing’.

Andrei Dosa was born in 1985 in Brașov. He graduated with a master’s degree in Cultural Innovation at the Transylvania University in Brașov. He published five poetry collections, most recently, Luminous experience (OMG Publishing, 2020). His second novel, A lot of force and a bit of tenderness (Polirom) was published     in 2021. For his books, he received several literary prizes, including: Mihai Eminescu National Debut Prize, 2012; Young Poet of the Year, 2013; Young Writers’ Gala, 2013. He is also an active translator from Hungarian and English. Many of his poetry translations were published in the ‘Poesis international’ magazine throughout the years. In 2017 he was chosen as one of the Ten New Voices as part of an innovative project, Literary Europe Live (LEuL), led by Literature Across Frontiers (LAF).

Ioana Zenaida Rotariu was born in 1992 in Brașov. She has published poems and articles in several magazines, like ‘Astra’, ‘Corpul T’, ‘Poesis International’ and ‘Vatra’. Her day to day job is working as a boekseller and she is proud of it because she really likes what she does. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters in Brasov with a thesis on Michel Houellebecq, followed by a master’s degree in Cultural Innovation. In 2021, she won the Alexandru Mușina Prize for her own debut in poetry. The title of the upcoming volume is Those Five Years of Silence and will be published by Tracus Arte Publishing House.

Nadia de Vries is a poet and cultural scholar from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is the author of the poetry collections Dark Hour (2018) and I Failed to Swoon (2021), both published by Dostoyevsky Wannabe. Her first novel is forthcoming in 2022.

Yulya Tsimafeyeva (1982) is a Belarusian poet and translator, an author of three poetry collections in Belarusin. Her latest book, ROT, was publishet a few days before the rigged elections in Minsk in 2020. Her poems were translated into several languages and publised as separate books in Poland and Germany. She herself translates mostly poetry from English and children’s literature from Norwegian. Together with her husband, writer Alhierd Bacharevic, she took part in the peaceful protests in Minsk. She described her experience as a diary. The book came out in Sweden under the title Dagar i Belarus (Days in Belarus, Norstedts, 2020) and as Minsk. Tagebuch (Minsk. Diary, edition. Foto Tapeta, 2021) in German. Since the end of 2020, she has been living in Graz (Austria), at the invitation of the Kulturvermittlung Steiermark.

Cosmina Moroșan (1989, Romania) is a poet and performer. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai Univerity, with a doctoral thesis on Gilles Deleuze and performative-experimental writings. În 2017, she published the volume of poetry Beatitude (political essay). She lives and researches territories between cities/provinces, between ideas/sensations and prefers to work in open micro-teams (since 2018 she has collaborated with Solar Antibody).

Deniz Otay. A graduate of Law School in the city of Cluj, Deniz Otay currently lives in Bucharest. Her poetry has been published in various literary magazines such as ‘Zona Nouă’, ‘Poesis Internațional’, ‘Steaua’, ‘Scena9’ and, in 2020, she published Fotocrom Paradis (OMG Publishing), her first and only poetry book to date. The volume received wide acclaim from critics and readers alike, bringing her two of the most important literary prizes in Romania: the ‘Mihai Eminescu Literary Award’for debut poetry and the ‘Sofia Nădejde Literary Award for Literature Written by Women’.

Sergej Timofejev was born in Riga, Latvia in 1970. He is the author of 9 books of poetry which were publised in Latvia, Russia, Georgia, Italy, Macedonia and Romania. He is one of the organizers of multimedia poetry project ”Orbita”. He was also among those who invented video poetry in the post-soviet cultural space, and his first video poetry work Orchestra Rehearsal was made in 1994 in collaboration with filmmakermVictor Vilx. He received the ‘Annual achievement in original drama prize’ in 2014 for his libretto for the opera Mikhail and Mikhail play chess at Latvian National Opera. His 2017 story for children A knight with sore teeth was chosen by Latvian Puppet Theatre and is still part of their repertoire.

Crispin Best was born and lives in London. His debut pamphlet was published by Faber & Faber. He has also published ok (If a Leaf Falles Press) and i hope god is watching (Trickhouse Press), as well as please live forever, a 1000 line poem which only exists in the reader’s web browser. His first full collection, Hello, was published by Partus Press in 2019.

Svetlana Cârstean is a writer, a journalist, translator, and cultural manager. She published her first poems in 1995, in the collective volume Tablou de familie (Family Picture). Her debut individual volume, Floarea de menghină (Vise Flower, 2008) received several important national prizes and was also published in Sweden, in the translation of Swedish poet Athena Farrokhzad. Gravitație (Gravity, 2015) was translated into Norwegian translation in 2017, while Trado, her third volume, co-written with Athena Farrokhzad, was published in Sweden and Romania. Her latest volume, Sînt alta (I am other, 2021), was unanimously praised by both readers and critics. Svetlana Cârstean coordinates a poetry collection, Vorpal, at Nemira Publishing House, where she is curating the works of both debuting and well-established poets.

Bogdan Ghiu writed and publishes poetry, (and) critical theory (about literature, philosophy, media, contemporary art, architecture, translation theory and pedagogy, politics) and translations (over 70) of French philosophy and literature. He is a member of the ‘80s Generation’ of Romanian writers and was a member of the ‘Cenaclul de Luni’ (Monday Literary Circle), president of ArtLit (Romanian Association of Literary Translators) and a member of the directoral board of PEN Romania. His most recent publications are: Cu orice e posibil (With Anything that is Possible, poetry, 2019), Pandemiocrația. Kairos și vidul împărtășit (Pandemiocracy. Kairos and the shared vacuum, essay, 2019).

Ruxandra Novac was born in 1980, in Făgăraș (Romania). She published ecograffiti. pedagogical poems. flags on towers (ecograffiti. poeme pedagogice. steaguri pe turnuri) at Vinea Publishing House in 2003 (2005, 2018) and Alwarda (Anansi, 2020). Her poems were included in various anthologies (Generația 2000, Poezia Antiutopică, Instrukția dlea pobega (Moldova), The Vanishing Point that Whistles (USA), No longer Poetry (UK), Pour le prix de ma bouche (BE), Sombras, incedios y desvanes (ES) etc.) Some of her writings were translated into English, Hungarian, Slovene, Czech, Swedish, Russian, Serbian, Dutch, Spanish. She currently lives in Germany.

Kinga Tόth (1983, Sárvár, Hungary) writes and publishes short stories, poems and drama pieces in Hungarian, German and English. She is a musician, extensive vocalist, visual and sound-poet, and presents her work in international performances, exhibitions and installations (e.g. MANIFESTA 11 Zürich; Wechselstorm Galerie; Akademie Schloss Solitude). She is also a philologist and a teacher, having also worked as a journalist and copy editor for art magazines, and as a cultural program organizer. Tόth’s international poetical publications include OFFSPRING/ IRMAG (2020), Patry (2013, Hungary; 2018, USA); All Machine (2014, in Hungary and Germany), Village 0-24 (2016, in English), Wir bauen eine Stadt (2016, in German).


Bienala de Poezie este un proiect inițiat în 2013, gândit să stimuleze dialogul intercultural prin intermediul unui eveniment care să încurajeze și să ofere un spațiu pentru schimbul intelectual și artistic, necesar dezvoltării oricărei societăți democratice. De aceea, prima ediție a Bienalei a adus la Brașov 34 de poete din zece țări europene, invitate să prezinte diversitatea și forța poeziei feminine contemporane. În 2015, a doua ediție a reunit 16 poeți din șase țări, aducând în centrul atenției relația dintre tradiție și inovație, respectiv, procesul de emulație și de disociere prin care iau naștere noi direcții în literatură. Al treilea eveniment, cel din 2017, intitulat ”The Duty of Disobedience”, și-a propus să exploreze rolul poeziei în societatea contemporană și să redescopere potențialul transfigurator și regenerator al literaturii. În 2019, cea de a patra ediție, intitulată ”Kosmophilia”,  s-a concentrat  pe schimbările aduse de secolul XX în ceea ce privește relația noastră cu mediul înconjurător, felul în care percepem schimbările climaterice și de mediu și responsabilitatea poeziei de a încorpora în propriul discurs aceste teme.

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